
We are delighted to help people to engage with Dr Elizabeth McNaught’s book ‘Life Hurts: a doctor’s personal journey through anorexia’ (look-inside and read Chapter One now).

Dr Elizabeth McNaught (known as Lizzie to her friends) is a medical doctor who was diagnosed with anorexia at the age of 14, leading to an admission to a general hospital, many months in an inpatient hospital and years in community care.

She has now told her story, and reflected on it from her perspective as a doctor,  with a vision that this will inspire and encourage others to see that, although life hurts, there is hope for all of us.

Live events for schools

‘Secondary school years are a crucial time for turning the risk of eating disorders into resilience against them. The current guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence list fourteen indicators of an eating disorder; only four of which require medical knowledge, the other ten may be spotted first by a teacher, fellow student or parent.’ Dr Elizabeth McNaught

Alongside the UK’s eating disorder charity Beat we are delighted to offer informative and inspirational presentations on eating disorders, appropriately tailored for teachers, students or parents.

‘Dr Elizabeth McNaught and Nick Pollard are both inspirational speakers who are able to articulate a very personal and powerful account of a young woman’s journey towards overcoming anorexia, and the extent to which her family understanding and support was crucial to her recovery. They give clear, simple guidance to enable parents and teachers to listen and advise with confidence. I would recommend them highly.’
Brenda McDonald, Director of Sixth Form, Kingston Grammar School

To find out more about From Risk to Resilience download this brochure. To enquire about availability contact:

(If you have booked this presentation for your school please download this zip file of graphics and text to build appropriate internal publicity for your teachers, students or parents.)

Downloadable resources for schools

DOWNLOAD View: a doctor’s struggle with anorexia

Key questions in this downloadable Teacher’s Guide:

What insights about Body Confidence have you gained that you wish you had known when you were 13 years old?

Do we struggle with Body Confidence partly because, in this world of social media, we compare our ‘behind-the-scenes’ with other’s ‘highlight reel’?

This free resource for schools, produced in association with the UK eating disorder charity Beat, the Be Real Body Confidence campaign, and the media company owlinspace, explores Body Confidence which can be a risk factor for eating disorders.

Help us create more resources for schools… The resource above was funded by supporters of EthosEducation. Please help us to create a second free resource for schools, highlighting the signs and symptoms of eating disorders, by supporting Beat’s ‘Spot the Signs’ appeal.

Resources for readers

letter-to-someone-in-drs-waiting-room-webLizzie’s book contains many helpful appendices. One of these is her ‘Letter to someone in a doctor’s waiting room.’ Every person’s story is unique and all will have different journeys. But what is consistent across everyone who develops anorexia is that all will have a first visit to the doctor. This can be a really positive experience or a negative one. It can be a crucial turning point, or just another staging post in the continual harm that anorexia does. This letter, republished here in a downloadable format, is designed to help any person at this crucial time.

Many more useful resources are available from Beat, the UK’s eating disorder charity.


For Social Media

Please help us to tell people about this book by tweeting/posting the following message with one of the graphics below (right-click and select ‘save image as’ to download high-res graphics):

‘Life Hurts: A doctors personal journey through anorexia.’ Find out more about this inspirational book at

lifehurts-750x750-var1 lifehurts-750x750-var2 lifehurts-750x750-var3

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Please help us to support Beat’s ‘Spot the Signs’ appeal by tweeting/posting these graphics and the link


For Press and Media.

Please note: We are sticking strictly to the Beat Media Guidelines regarding reporting on eating disorders.

Press Releases

13th Feb 2017

Book launch 13th Feb 2017


Houses of Parliament 28th Feb 2017

Houses of Parliament 28th Feb 2017

Images (download high-res versions from these thumbnails):

life-hurts-cover-web lizzie-publicity-photo-2 lizzie-speaking-at-royal-college-4th-nov-2016-web-version life-hurts-original-art-piece-web

life-hurts-with-horse-web life-hurts-new-school-web life-hurts-lizzie-with-carol-on-holiday-in-kos-as-the-anorexia-was-really-beginning-to-take-hold-web life-hurts-lizzie-with-nick-on-holiday-in-kos-as-the-anorexia-was-really-beginning-to-take-hold-web

life-hurts-selfie-just-after-discharge-from-general-hospital-web life-hurts-after-inpatient-discharge-web life-hurts-graduation-web 

lizzie-talking-with-jeremy-hunt-after-they-had-both-made-speeches-about-eating-disorders-at-the-houses-of-parliament-28th-feb-2017-web lizzie-and-carol-her-mum-in-photoshoot-for-newspaper-web 

Contact us at:

Ethos Media  PO Box 1800  Southampton  SO15 9GP